Reference & Knowledgebase
Business Process Management
Below lists various references and how-to documents. This content is provided ''as is'', with no warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Use at your own risk.
- Four part series on BPM integration with Websphere Liberty using OSGi, Blueprint (Aries), JPA (OpenJPA), and JAX-RS (wink). UPDATED LINKS, with overview and designs, are now available on my blog-site:
- [Overview] BPM Integration Architecture: OSGi, JAX-RS, and JPA
- [Part 1 of 4] Persistence: JPA
- [Part 2 of 4] ReST Services: JAX-RS
- [Part 3 of 4] Integrating JAX-RS and JPA into ReST service OSGi application
- [Part 4 of 4] Integrated BPM and ReST using OSGi bundles [work-in-progress]
- Document attachmets and email generation
- Remote debugging JSP and Java files in TeamWorks process server
- Dynamic nested sub-process selection
- [TBD]
Copyright ©2007 Gary Samuelson, All Rights Reserved.