HTML dojo Client: BPM Service and Web-client Consumers for JSON over ReST 

HTML dojo Client

Development Platform and Tools: 
- Windows 7-64
- Rational Application Developer v9 
- Linux/CentOS v6.3 OS
- Websphere Application Server v8.5
- Database: DB2 v9.7 sp7

HTML Test-client for CXF ReST JSON Service
NOTE: See below for IBM-BPM Test Client (Coach)

See APPENDIX for complete listing 

This web-client simply instantiates a FilteringSelect and then sets its 'store' to JSON results returned from an xhr.get ReST (see previous section on JAX-RS ReST Services). 

1) Initial Page Layout (more like a template that's populated when dojo executes)

<body class= "claro">

     <div style ="width :540px;">
                 <h1 style ="text-align : left;">Programmatic Example: Color Store</h1>
                 <div style ="width :50%;float : left;">
                       <h1 >dijit/form/FilteringSelect</ h1>
                       <label for ="colorSelect">Color:</ label>
                       <div id ="colorSelect"></ div> <<< The FilteringSelect renders into this location
                 </div >
                 <div style ="width :50%;float : right;"><h1 >Selected Values:</h1>
                       <div ><strong >value: </strong > <span id= "value"></span ></div >
                       <div ><strong >displayedValue: </strong > <span id= "displayedValue"></span ></div >
                       <!-- <h5>*Note how the submitted value will be the identity of the store item</h5> -->
                 </div >
            </div >

2) FilteringSelect Renders into div "colorSelect"

     require(["dijit/form/FilteringSelect", "dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore" ,
              "dojo/parser", "dojo/domReady!"],
            function(FilteringSelect, ItemFileReadStore) {

            // Example for using a local file for testing
            //   create store instance referencing data from states.json
            //  - Since "refresh" method loads up a new ItemFileReadStore using xhr,
            //         we wont' be needing this one. 
        var colorStore = new ItemFileReadStore({
           url: "colors_03.json" // <<< this isn't necessary since I set the store to NULL
        // Create FilteringSelect widget. Set "store" to null for now,
        // setting data later in next js function.
        var select = new FilteringSelect({
           id: "select01",
            name: "colorSelect",
            placeHolder: "Select a Color",
            store: null,
            onChange: function(val){
                document.getElementById( "value").innerHTML = val;
                document.getElementById("displayedValue" ).innerHTML = this.get( "displayedValue");
        }, "colorSelect"); <<< this tells the FileteringSelect to draw itself into the HTML div "colorSelect"


3) Populate drop-down values from JSON data Retrieved from an xhr.get (ajax) call

require([ "dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/parser", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom",
          "dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore" ,"dijit/form/FilteringSelect" ,
          "dojo/domReady!" ],
            function(xhr, on, dom) {

                 function refreshContent() {
                       // Using xhr.get, as very little information is being sent
                            // The URL of the request
                           url : "/cxf/colorservice/getallcolors" , // the 'real' url to cxf
                           handleAs : "json",
                           headers: {
                            Accept : "application/json",
                             "Content-Type" : "application/json"
                           // The success callback with result from server
                           load : function(response, ioArgs) {
                                       var newData = {
                                            identifier: "colorCode",
                                            label: "name" // wasn't able to switch this over to colorName! (a bug... in dojo)
                                            items: response.colorlist.items
                                       var dataStore = new{data: newData});
                                       var fSelect = dijit.byId("select01");
                                      fSelect.set( 'store',dataStore);
                                      console.log( 'store set');
                            // The error handler
                           error : function() {
                                 console.log( 'xhr get error');
                            // generate an extra GET variable to prevent browsers from caching
                           preventCache : true

                 // Populate content initially


a) The URL calls upon our CXF ReST service

b) Response callback retrieves our JSON response and sets the data property in the FilteredSelect to a ItemFileReadStore loaded with parsed results
  // The success callback with result from server
                           load : function(response, ioArgs) {
                                       var newData = {
                                            identifier: "colorCode" ,
                                            label: "name",  // wasn't able to switch this over to colorName! (a bug... in dojo)
                                            items: response.colorlist.items
                                       var dataStore = new{data: newData});
                                       var fSelect = dijit.byId("select01" );
                                      fSelect.set( 'store',dataStore);
                                      console.log( 'store set');

The JSON response: (formatted for readability)
                "colorlist": {
                               "items": [
                                                             "colorCode": "BLUE" ,
                                                             "name": "BLUE"
                                              }, {
                                                             "colorCode": "ORANGE" ,
                                                             "name": "ORANGE"
                                              }, {
                                                             "colorCode": "TESTCODE" ,
                                                             "name": "TESTNAME"
                                              }, {
                                                             "colorCode": "WHITE" ,
                                                             "name": "WHITE"
                                              }, {
                                                             "colorCode": "YELLOW" ,
                                                             "name": "YELLOW"

4,5) onChange callback sets "selected values" with User's Selection

onChange: function(val){
                document.getElementById("value").innerHTML = val;
                document.getElementById("displayedValue" ).innerHTML = this.get( "displayedValue");



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset= "utf-8">

<link rel= "stylesheet" href= "../dojo/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css" >

<script type= "text/javascript" src="../dojo/dojo/dojo.js"
     data-dojo-config="parseOnLoad: true, isDebug: true"></script>

     // FilteringSelect
     // from:
     // -------------------------------------
     require(["dijit/form/FilteringSelect", "dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore" ,
              "dojo/parser", "dojo/domReady!"],
            function(FilteringSelect, ItemFileReadStore) {

            // Example for using a local file for testing
            //   create store instance referencing data from states.json
            //  - Since "refresh" method loads up a new ItemFileReadStore using xhr,
            //         we wont' be needing this one. 
        var colorStore = new ItemFileReadStore({
           url: "colors_03.json" // <<< this isn't necessary since I set the store to NULL
        // Create FilteringSelect widget. Set "store" to null for now,
        // setting data later in next js function.
        var select = new FilteringSelect({
           id: "select01",
            name: "colorSelect",
            placeHolder: "Select a Color",
            store: null,
            onChange: function(val){
                document.getElementById( "value").innerHTML = val;
                document.getElementById("displayedValue" ).innerHTML = this.get( "displayedValue");
        }, "colorSelect");



// Require the xhr module
require([ "dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/parser", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom",
          "dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore" ,"dijit/form/FilteringSelect" ,
          "dojo/domReady!" ],
            function(xhr, on, dom) {

                 function refreshContent() {
                       // Using xhr.get, as very little information is being sent
                            // The URL of the request
                           url : "/cxf/colorservice/getallcolors" , // the 'real' url to cxf
                           handleAs : "json",
                           headers: {
                            Accept : "application/json",
                             "Content-Type" : "application/json"
                            // The success callback with result from server
                           load : function(response, ioArgs) {
                                       var newData = {
                                            identifier: "colorCode",
                                            label: "name" // wasn't able to switch this over to colorName! (a bug... in dojo)
                                            items: response.colorlist.items
                                       var dataStore = new{data: newData});
                                       var fSelect = dijit.byId("select01");
                                      fSelect.set( 'store',dataStore);
                                      console.log( 'store set');
                            // The error handler
                           error : function() {
                                 console.log( 'xhr get error');
                            // generate an extra GET variable to prevent browsers from caching
                           preventCache : true

                 // Populate content initially



<body class= "claro">

     <div style ="width :540px;">
                 <h1 style ="text-align : left;">Programmatic Example: Color Store</h1>
                 <div style ="width :50%;float : left;">
                       <h1 >dijit/form/FilteringSelect</ h1>
                       <label for ="colorSelect">Color:</ label>
                       <div id ="colorSelect"></ div>
                 </div >
                 <div style ="width :50%;float : right;"><h1 >Selected Values:</h1>
                       <div ><strong >value: </strong > <span id= "value"></span ></div >
                       <div ><strong >displayedValue: </strong > <span id= "displayedValue"></span ></div >
                       <!-- <h5>*Note how the submitted value will be the identity of the store item</h5> -->
                 </div >
            </div >