[Part 3] Websphere Liberty Profile: OSGi, JPA, JAX-RS, and BPM

Part 3 of 4 Part Series: 

Integrating JAX-RS service with OSGi JPA data provider

Part 1: OSGi and JPA 
Part 2: ReST Services with JAX-RS 
Part 3: Integrating JAX-RS service with OSGi JPA data provider (this article)
Part 4: Integrated BPM and ReST using OSGi bundles [work-in-progress]

I almost gave up this exercise using Liberty... The night before I resigned myself to switching back over to Websphere Application Server. 

What held up progress was I couldn't find a work-around for service lookup via InitialContext. Websphere had this feature built-in for OSGi bundles. Liberty also... had this feature. However, I didn't see the missing critical "import-package" on the manifest:


With "javax.naming" in the manifest I was finally able to use the following:

(ColorManager) ic.lookup("osgi:service/"+ColorManager.class.getName()); 
- or - 
(ColorManager) ic.lookup("blueprint:comp/colormanagerservice"); <<< recommended approach

Ironically, I happened to also find another elegant workaround to Liberty's JAX-RS implementation (wink)... 

Wink created a new service class per each service request - and, consequently, didn't use the blueprint created instance. This lead to a breakage in blueprint reference injection between JAX-RS and JAP bundles:

Solution was to simply use a static property so that property value is at the class level: 

private static ColorManager colorManager = null;

The moral of the story is that, if it should work, it probably does...

OSGi and JAX-RS: Integrating JPA

1) Publish a JPA data-service with JAX-RS Service Interface (ReST)
Publish the JPA service created in previous tutorial
- Requires completion of Part 1 (see above: "Resources")

Import Interface from osgi_jpa_03 (refer to previous tutorial: "part 1: OSGI and JPA")
(refer to previous tutorial: "part 1: OSGI and JPA")

Export from JPA and then import into JAX-RS projects

Export from: osgi_jpa_03
import into: osgi_jaxrs_03a

From osgi_jpa_03, exporting the model package

showing manifest.ms source
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Blueprint: OSGI-INF/blueprint/*.xml
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Bundle-Name: osgi_jpa_03
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Import-Package: javax.persistence;version="1.1.0",
Bundle-SymbolicName: osgi_jpa_03
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment : JavaSE-1.6
Export-Package: model

Import the model package into the osgi_jaxrs_03a (our JAX-RS project)

NOTE: Also include package javax.naming

manifest.ms for osgi_jaxrs_03a
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: osgi_jaxrs_03a
Bundle-SymbolicName: osgi_jaxrs_03a
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Bundle-ClassPath: WEB-INF/classes
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment : JavaSE-1.6
Web-ContextPath: /osgi_jaxrs_03a
Import-Package: com.ibm.websphere.jaxrs.server;version="1.0.0",

Create the List container to hold results from queries to JPA color model 

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

import model.Color;

@XmlRootElement(name="colorlist" )
public class ColorList {

     private List<Color> colorlist = new ArrayList<Color>();
     @XmlElement(name = "items")
     public List<Color> getColorList() {
            return colorlist;
     public void setColorList(List<Color> list) {
            this. colorlist = list;

Create the ColorModelService interface
package colorservice;

import model.ColorManager; // imported from the JPA project

public interface ColorModelService {
     public ColorManager getColorManager();

     public void setColorManager(ColorManager colorManager);
     public ColorList getColorsSTUB();
     public ColorList getColors();

Create the ColorModelServiceImpl
package colorservice;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;

import model.Color;
import model.ColorManager;

@Path(value = "/colorservice")
public class ColorModelServiceImpl implements ColorModelService {

     // private ColorManager colorManager = null;
     // Trying a static property - not sure that I'd use this for a 'real' application.
     //   see other options below under 'getColoManager()'
     private static ColorManager colorManager = null;
     public ColorModelServiceImpl() {
           System. out.println( "*** ColorModelServiceImpl()");

     public void startUp() {
           System. out.println( "*** ColorModelServiceImpl.startUp CALLED");
     public void shutdown() {
           System. out.println( "*** ColorModelServiceImpl.shutdown CALLED");
           System. out.println( "*** setting colorManager to NULL");
           ColorModelServiceImpl. colorManager = null;
     public ColorManager getColorManager() {
            if (ColorModelServiceImpl. colorManager == null) {
                System. out.println( "*** ColorModelServiceImpl.getColors().colorManager is NULL! ");
            // ----------------------
            if (ColorModelServiceImpl. colorManager == null) {
                System. out.println( "*** Setting colorManager with osgi service lookup");
                 try {
                      InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
                       // this.colorManager = (ColorManager) ic.lookup("osgi:service/model.ColorManager");
                       // The next two methods of lookup work with Liberty v8.5.0.2
                       // this.colorManager = (ColorManager) ic.lookup("osgi:service/"+ColorManager.class.getName());
                      ColorModelServiceImpl. colorManager = (ColorManager) ic.lookup("blueprint:comp/colormanagerservice" );
                } catch (NamingException e) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
            // ----------------------
            return colorManager;

     public void setColorManager(ColorManager colorManager) {
           System. out.println( "*** ColorModelServiceImpl.setColorManager()");
           ColorModelServiceImpl. colorManager = colorManager;
     public ColorList getColorsSTUB() {
           ColorList colorList = new ColorList();
           List<Color> list = new ArrayList<Color>();

           list.add( new Color( "blue", "blue"));
           list.add( new Color( "green", "green"));
           list.add( new Color( "purple", "purple"));


            return colorList;
     public ColorList getColors() {
           ColorManager cMgr = getColorManager();
           List<Color> list = cMgr.getColor();
           ColorList colorList = new ColorList();
            return colorList;

ColorModelServiceImpl Review: 
NOTE: Only covering the interesting bits

private static ColorManager colorManager = null;

Both CXF and Wink (JAX-RS implementations) create a new ColorModuleServiceImpl per each invocation. Though I've read of a few methods, via blueprint, in guiding proper managed startup... I haven't been able to make them work. I listed three work-arounds in source:

1) use a static colorManager property
2) InitialContext().lookup("osgi:service/model.ColorManager")
3) InitialContext().lookup("blueprint:comp/colormanagerservice")

#3 is the IBM's recommended approach

I choose #1 for simplicity - though, I probably wouldn't go with this approach normally and prefer to pull instances from some sort of a managed pool of ready connections. 

public ColorManager getColorManager()

Normally this simply returns the static property colorManager. Earlier however, I was having some trouble getting Wink to use my "officially" blueprint managed ColorModelService instance. The method's details illustrates other methods for working around object lookup. 

public void setColorManager(ColorManager colorManager) 

Blueprint requires the setter for dependency wiring. As blueprint creates a "managed" bean, this property is automatic set via "property reference" (see below details under "blueprint").

public ColorList getColorsSTUB () 

This test STUB returns a fully constructed color list without needing a JPA connection into our database. 

      public ColorList getColorsSTUB() {
           ColorList colorList = new ColorList();
           List<Color> list = new ArrayList<Color>();

           list.add( new Color( "blue", "blue"));
           list.add( new Color( "green", "green"));
           list.add( new Color( "purple", "purple"));


            return colorList;

public ColorList getColors()

The primary responsibility for this class is to fetch colors from the database via JPA

     public ColorList getColors() {
           ColorManager cMgr = getColorManager(); // gets a reference to the color manager (JPA entity wrapper)
           List<Color> list = cMgr.getColor(); // fetch a list of color entities 
           ColorList colorList = new ColorList(); // create ColorList wrapper - required for JSON/XML construction
           colorList.setColorList(list); // set list into the container
            return colorList;

1a) Configure Blueprint

Add ColorModelServiceImpl.class to AppService

package colorservice;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Application;

public class AppService extends Application {
     public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
           Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
            // URL http://babe:9080/osgi_jaxrs_03a/jaxrs/servicetest
           classes.add(ServiceTest. class);
            // http://babe:9080/osgi_jaxrs_03a/jaxrs/colorservice/stub
            // http://babe:9080/osgi_jaxrs_03a/jaxrs/colorservice/getcolors

            return classes;

2) Configure Blueprint

Create blueprint.xml
right-click project -> select "other" -> filter on "bue" -> select Blueprint File"
-> Next

New Blueprint File
Select default location for this OSGi type of project 
-> next

Add blueprint namespaces
-> Finish

Create a "Bean"
Select "Blueprint" -> click "add"

Add a Bean
Select "Bean" click "OK"

New Blueprint Bean
click "Browse" -> filter on "colorservice." -> select ColorModelServiceImpl from osgi_jaxrs_03a project
NOTE: Make sure you select the class from the correct project !

Create new blueprint bean
Leave default recommendation for Bean ID
-> OK

Bean Created

Create Reference
Select "blueprint" -> click "add"

Select Reference
Select "Reference" -> click "OK" 

Select Interface to Reference
Don't forget we're adding a reference into osgi_jaxrs_03a (JAX-RS) project
-- We're referencing an interface within the osgi_jpa_03 (JPA) project

Click "Browse" -> select ColorManager interface from osgi_jpa_03 project
-> OK

Leave Component name blank!

Bean and Reference created from osgi_jaxrs_03a project

Reviewing references 

The bean class points to colorservice.colorModelServiceImpl
The reference interface points to model.ColorManager interface within osgi_jpa_03 project
Property colorManager points to reference ColorModelServiceImplBeanReference

Create a Property for ColorModelServiceImplBean
Select ColorModelServiceImplBean -> click Add
-> Select Property -> click OK

Set Property Details
select the property we just created -> Details Reference Browse ->
-> select Reference: ColorModelServiceImplBeanReference -> OK

Set Property Details (continued)
Set Name -> colorManager
NOTE: "colorManager" the property from class ColorModelServiceImpl (see above code review)

Blueprint property requires a setter to set value (wire) ColorManager to ColorModelService (ReST API)

Create Reference Listener for ColoModelServiceImplBeanReference
Select referecne -> click "add" -> select Reference listener
-> OK

Fill in Reference Listener Details
Click Browse -> select Reference (created above) -> OK

Reference Listener Method References
Fill in method names:
Bind: referenceBind
Unbind: referenceUnBind

Reference Listener methods point to ColorManagerImpl methods (from JPA project)

3) Create OSGi Application and Deploy to Liberty Server

Create OSGi Application Project
Add projects:  
- osgi_jpa_03 (jpa project)
- osgi_jaxrs_03a (JAX-RS project)

Deploy project to Liberty Server and Start

Log output: messages.log

Right-click service and copy/paste url into browser

Test Works
